Please find recent BHBE Shabbat Handouts here. Click on a date below to view the week’s handout.
3/8/2025 Tetzaveh
3/1/2025 Terumah
2/22/2025 Mishpatim
2/15/2025 Yitro
2/8/2025 Beshalach
2/1/2025 Bo
1/25/2025 Va’era
1/18/2025 Shemot
1/11/2025 Vayechi
12/28/2024 Miketz
1/4/2025 Vayigash
12/21/2024 Vayeshev
12/14/2024 Vayishlach
12/7/2024 Vayetzei
11/30/2024 Toldot
11/23/2024 Chayei Sara
11/16/2024 Vayera
11/9/2024 Lech Lecha
11/2/2024 Noach
10/25/2024 Bereishit
10/19/2024 Sukkot | Chol Hamoed
10/12/2024 Yom Kippur
10/2/2024 Haazinu
9/28/2024 Nitzavim – Valelech
9/21/2024 Ki Tavo
9-7-2024 Shoftim
8-31-2024 Re’eh
8-24-2024 Eikev
8-17-2024 Vaetchanan
8-10-2024 Devarim
8-3-2024 Mattot-Masei
7-27-2024 Pinchas
7-20-2024 Balak
7-13-2024 Hukkat