Learning Curve! Brochure 2024-2025
Wednesdays at 10:00 am (in-person and online)
First Thursday of each month at 7:30 am (in-person and online)
Introduction to Judaism Class
Periodic Sundays at 11:00 am (in-person)
With Timbrel and Harp (Psalm 15)
Tuesdays at 7:30 pm, January 38 and February 4 (in-person and online)
Explore the history, halakhic concerns, and parameters of including musical instruments on Shabbat and holidays.
Lunch and Learn: Music and Meaning in Kabbalat Shabbat – melodies, words, and concepts
Thursdays, January 23 and 30 and February 6 and 13 at 12:30 pm (in-person and online)
Light lunch provided.
Avraham Avinu/Father Abraham in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam with Rabbi Allan Kensky
Tuesdays November 12, 19, and 26 at 7:30 pm
Reflections with Sandy Goldberg
Mondays March 17, 24, and 31 and April 21 and 28 at 7:30 pm (in-person)
Reflections on the thoughts of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Saks z”l as expressed in his book Morality.
Annual BHBE Film Festival
To Be or Not To Be – December 14, 2024
The Heartbreak Kid – January 11, 2025
Shiva Baby – February 15, 2025 – Time changed to 6:30 pm so you can enjoy the community havdalah and dinner then go right into the movie!
Saturdays at 7:30 pm (in-person). All are followed by group discussions. $10 per person, and we’ll provide the snacks.
Yom Hashoah Program
Wednesday, April 23 at 7:30 pm
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Sunday, June 1 at 8:00 pm
Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Exploring Judaism The Rabbinical Assembly’s digital space for teachings, traditions, and approaches to Conservative/Masorti Judaism
Conservative Yeshiva Online Courses
Conservative Yeshiva Online Hebrew Ulpan
Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center
Orot Center for New Jewish Learning
Qesher: an independent initiative introducing different Jewish communities from around the world
Schechter Institute Community Learning
ScholarStream: A Partnership of the Conservative Movement
SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva
Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center
Temple Israel of Boston Center for Adult Jewish Learning
UnYeshiva from Judaism Unbound