7th of Tevet, 5785


Rally in DC

November 14, 2023

On Tuesday I had the honor and privilege to attend the March For Israel in Washington D.C. I traveled with JUF Chicago who had chartered and filled three planes. Even in the very early morning hours the energy and excitement was everywhere. We had a bit of a walk from the bus to the rally itself and as we approached the mall we saw what can only be described as a sea of blue and white. We all stood together as proud Jews and lovers and supporters of the State of Israel. Jews of all denominations, political affiliations, races, and ages came from all over the country to stand united. There were many powerful speeches from college students and politicians, actors, and families of hostages. All sharing messages of support for Israel and the Jewish people, demanding the return of the hostages, raging against antisemitism, declaring that while Israel did not start or want this war they will fight and win because they have to, and stating clearly there is no ceasefire until Hamas no longer exists. We listened, we chanted, we sang, and we prayed, the sound of nearly 300,000 people singing Hatikvah together is not one I will soon forget.. We stood for Israel, we stood against anti semitism, and we stood so that G-d willing the next generation, those I have dedicated my life to teaching, will never have to defend their right to exist. I left with a full heart and ears ringing from the chants “Never Again”, “Bring Them Home”, and loudest of all “Am Yisrael Chai!” – Sarah Rodin